Monday, March 28, 2016


Syrup is very good for you because it has a lot of good stuff in it. This natural sweetener is known to be a significant  source of several nutrients, including riboflavin, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and manganese, which plays an integral role in energy production  and normal brain and nerve function.

Maple syrup goes through little to no processing.  It is a natural, non-refined product which gives it an edge over other sweetening agents.

Maple syrup is starting to be put into that super food category along with blueberries, red wine, green tea and dark chocolate.
( benefits/)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


1)  Celery reduces inflammation. If you are suffering from joint pains, lung infections, asthma or acne, eating more celery will bring much need relief.

2)Celery helps you calm down.  The minerals in celery, especially magnesium, and the essential oil in it, soothe the nervous system.  If you eat celery before bed time, you will sleep better.

3) It regulates the body's alkaline balance, thus protecting you from problems such as acidity.

4)Celery aids digestion.  The high water content of celery, combined with the insoluble fiber in it, makes it a great tool for easy passage of stool.

5) It contains good salts.  The salt in celery is organic, natural and essential for your health.

6) One large stalk of celery can deliver up to 10 percent of your daily need for Vitamin A - a group of nutrients that protects the eyes and prevents age-related degeneration of vision.

7)Celery reduces "bad cholesterol.  There is a component in celery called butylphthalide which gives  the vegetable its flavour and scent but 2 stalks of celery can reduce bad cholesterol by up to 7 points.

8) An active compound called phthalides in celery has been proven to boost circulatory health.  Raw whole celery reduces high blood pressure.

9)Celery can combat cancer.  One study showed that the powerful flavonoid in celery, called luteolin, inhibits the growth of cancer cells especially in the pancreas.    Another study suggests that the regular intake of celery could significantly delay the formation of cancer cells.

Useful Tips - Choose celery with upright stalks that snap when bent.   Freshy chopped celery retains its nutrients much better than if you chop  and store it even for a few hours.
Steamed celery retains its flavour, but also most of its nutrients.

(excerpt from CARE 2 Newsletter)2016