Tuesday, December 29, 2015


New research has  emerged in the realm of  brain-gut connection suggesting that not only does the brain send signals into the gut but the gut also sends signals to the brain.  This means that the foods that you eat  can actually have a powerful effect on your mood.

Yogurt specifically is a powerful mood booster,  For one, the probiotics in yogurt offer mood-boosting benefits.  Eating yogurt encourages the propagation of beneficial, mood -boosting bacteria making it a mood boosting food on a deep level.  It can help to reduce stress and anxiety and improve emotional stability.

Vanilla yogurt in particular can elicit an emotional response that increases happiness.There is a strong emotional response in the brain with certain scents - especially the scent of vanilla.    Many people associate vanilla with comfort, childhood and happiness.

(Care 2 newsletter - Dec '15)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Smooth your skin

For smoother skin, fill up on these
- Canned light tuna.  This kitchen staple is packed with selenium, an antioxidant  that  protects skin cells  against sun damage.
-Dark Chocolate. Research shows that women who consumed a daily drink containing 2 tablespoons of high flavonoid cocoa powder for 12 weeks had skin that was significantly smoother and retained more moisture.. You can obtain the same effect with a daily ounce of high flavanoid dark chocolate.
- Black  tea with citrus peel. Tea drinkers enjoy half the risk of skin cancer - especially if they sip two of more cups each day.  The polyphenols in tea may help proect  against high UV radiaation.
Brew tea with citrus peel to boost its anticancer powers even more.
- Carrot juice . one cup of carrots juice is equal to 1 pound of carrots and it provides 22 mg of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that several studies show can help protect skin against sunburn.  The more you drink, the more protection you build up.

( excerpt from Prevention magazine)

Help for your lungs

1) Edamame
- Lung cancer victims tend to have low levels of phytoestrogens- an important plant compound
- Women with the highest quantities  of foods containing phytoestrogens such as edamame, tofu, and lentils, slashed their lung cancer risk by 34%

2) Brown rice
- This grain is high in selenium which may help keep lung- damaging free radicals from forming.
-Other selenium rich foods are whole- wheat bread, eggs and brazil nuts.

3) Pears
- Pears contain quercetin - a powerful flavonoid that may protect the lungs.
- an Australian study discovered a strong association between high pear and apple consumption and lower risk of asthma


- This cruciferous vegetable conains sulforaphane which halted the growth of breast cancer cells in test-tube studies by interfering with the cell's ability to reproduce.
-Cauliflower also contains a compound called 13C, which lowers levels of estrogen  that might otherwise encourage tumors to multiply
- When cooking cauliflower, roast or steam it but never boil it.   Boiling causes 75% of the cancer -fighting compounds to leach into the cooking water

2) Sweet potatoes
-One long sweet potatoe contains lots of beta-carotene that helps your body metabolize  estrogen better.

3Tomato Sauce
- Research shows that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomato sauce may protect against breast cancer by neutralizing free radicals  that damage cells.
-Lycopene is more easily absorbed in the body when exposed to heat, so cooked tomatoes are better than raw.
-Lycopene is fat soluble, so add olive oil to help absorption.

(info came from Prevention Magazine)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Celery - has an endless list of health benefits

Super health benefits in Just One Celery Stalk

- one stalk contains only 10 calories
- Celery reduces inflammation
    - if you suffer from joint pains, lung infections, asthma or acne, eating more celery will bring much needed relief
- Celery helps to calm you down.  The minerals in celery, especially magnesium, and the essential oil in it, soothe the nervous system.  If you enjoy a celery based snack in the evening, you will sleep better.
- Celery regulates the body's alkaline balance, thus protecting you from problems such as acidity.
- Celery aids digestion  - The high water content of celery, combined with insoluble fiber in it, makes it a great tool for easy passage of stools.
- Celery contains good salts - not the same salt as table salt.  The salt is organic, natural and essential  for your health.
- Celery cares for your eyes. One large stalk can deliver up to 10 percent of your daily need of Vitamin A ( a group of nutrients that protect the eyes and prevents age- related degeneration of vision.
- Celery  reduces bad cholesterol - There is a component of celery called butylphthalide, that can reduce bad cholesterol.
- Celery lowers blood pressure.

( Information taken from Care 2 Healthy Living Newsletter- April 6th, 2015