Sunday, April 26, 2015


- This cruciferous vegetable conains sulforaphane which halted the growth of breast cancer cells in test-tube studies by interfering with the cell's ability to reproduce.
-Cauliflower also contains a compound called 13C, which lowers levels of estrogen  that might otherwise encourage tumors to multiply
- When cooking cauliflower, roast or steam it but never boil it.   Boiling causes 75% of the cancer -fighting compounds to leach into the cooking water

2) Sweet potatoes
-One long sweet potatoe contains lots of beta-carotene that helps your body metabolize  estrogen better.

3Tomato Sauce
- Research shows that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomato sauce may protect against breast cancer by neutralizing free radicals  that damage cells.
-Lycopene is more easily absorbed in the body when exposed to heat, so cooked tomatoes are better than raw.
-Lycopene is fat soluble, so add olive oil to help absorption.

(info came from Prevention Magazine)

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