Friday, July 23, 2010


Yawns get a bad rap for being rude, but yawns are one of the best-kept secrets for flexing your mental muscles . Brain scans reveal that yawning activates areas responsible for social awareness and feelings of empathy - which may explain why yawns are so contagious.

Yawns also may strengthen the precuneus- a part of the brain that plays a central role in memory retrieval and self-reflection.

When you yawn - the quick hit of oxygen wards off sleepiness and helps you stay focused by regulating metabolism and cooling the brain.

S0 - yawn as often as possible - in the morning, at work, before a big test. It will give your brain an instant pick-me-up. Fake it a few times and you won't be able to stop.

(Self magazine- July 2010)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


For an instant mood lift, sit or stand up straighter. In a study, at Ohio State University, researchers asked study particpants to rate their skills related to job opportunities and they found that those who completed the task with proper posture were more secure in their abilities than those who were slumped over.
People feel more confident when they are sitting upright and they can attribute that confidence to their present thoughts.

Burger + frozen yogurt

The next time you eat a food high in saturated fat, follow it with a low-fat calcium -rich dessert. Calcium binds to fatty acids in the digestive tract, blocking their absorption.